Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Expectant Mother

Part two of our eight part series is the Expectant Mother.
Oh what a joyous time in a woman’s life. 
A new child is coming into her life. Someone who needs and wants her tender care and devotion for a lifetime.
The Expectant Mother can take on different forms and each has their own set of challenges and opportunity for ministry.
The first is the Single Expectant Mother. She is alone on this journey to parenthood. She may or may not have the support of family members. She may be afraid, and struggling financially. She may have people in her life encouraging her to end this precious life within her. 
As Christians, we are pro-life and support the birth mother to carry the child to term, but we should not end our efforts there. I recently heard of a ministry that does an amazing job supporting the mother through the whole pregnancy and birth experience. I would encourage you to explore Embrace Grace and make it a part of your church ministry.
The second Expectant Mother may be in a secure relationship...but she may have concerns about her health or the health of her child. She may have questions about the birth experience or be worried about those first few months of motherhood. Make yourself available. Answer questions, offer advice. Let her know that God will be her helper and that He has chosen her out of all the women in the world to mother this particular child.
The third mother is the Adoptive Expectant Mother. Her longing for a child is being satisfied. Her heart is full of grateful appreciation, but is also fearful that it will not happen. She has faced many disappointments and is cautious about being too excited for fear of her heart being broken. Let us wrap our arms around the mother and support her. Lift her up before the throne of grace in prayer. If within your means, contribute to the adoption expenses. Be openly joyful and encourage her to open her heart and rejoice during the period of waiting. 
How are you being an encouragement to the Expectant Mother? 
Does your church have a ministry?
Please share your thoughts and ideas so that we may all become more effective in our purpose.

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