Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Beautiful Warrior

I have been under spiritual attack of late. 
Several things have happened that have quite frankly...knocked me for a loop and questioning God and my ability to trust Him and His goodness? 
Why is it that MY insecurities in myself...lead me to question God and His infinite love for me? 
Why is it that when MY plans are thwarted....my first response is that God has forgotten me? 
I tend to forget my PURPOSE. 
My objective in living this life to the fullest as a woman of God. 
I was reading a study, authored by a Rabbi, about the Proverbs 31 woman. He said that in the original language, she is referred to as a soldier and a pearl. 
As a soldier, I should be on the offensive about the welfare of my family. I don’t know that much about war and battles...but I do know this...you do not just sit around passively waiting for the enemy to attack. 
You formulate battle plans. 
You research your enemy. 
You discover his weakness. 
You prepare your weapons. 
You strengthen yourself. 
You educate yourself on the where the battle will take place. 
As Christian women, we are warriors. We are warriors for our families, our churches, our communities, our country, and our own hearts. 
As school resumes session, let us determine to be warriors for our children and grandchildren. Let us educate ourselves on the ways they are attacked by Satan. Let us not be more concerned about them doing their homework, or being liked, than we are about their spiritual battlefront. 
Let us vow to cover our husbands in prayer before he leaves the house, aggressively claiming the protection of God over his heart, mind, and marriage. 
Let us faithfully, put on our armor and gird ourselves as the warriors we are. Let us turn off the TV and get in the Word. Let’s stop comparing ourselves to the “published version” of other lives and live the lives we have been given for God. 
Now….for the Beautiful… 
May I say this is a struggle for me? 
Honestly….I do better as a warrior. 
I struggle to see my beauty. 
I minimize my worth. 
And….whew…and this is really hard…. 
I don’t allow others to see the “pearl” that I am because of the suffering and issues of the past. 
I was chatting with a friend this week, I mentioned that I had felt that God had deserted me during the time of my divorce. She was shocked….she thought that I was a widow. 
This is a woman that I have known many years. 
God pricked my heart. 
During my divorce, God took that pain and used it to create a pearl…a pearl that I was willing to portray as a counterfeit because I did not share what God had done for me. 
Isn’t that one of the reasons of the Bible? 
We see the failings of Moses, David, Solomon, Peter and then how God worked in the lives of ordinary men and women. This gives us courage and encouragement. 
We should be sharing those things that God has done…those pearls He has created in us. 
Beautiful Warriors…let us begin again as the women God has ordained.