Thursday, May 26, 2016

Helping Homeless Families

This family has found a way to bless homeless families for $20.

What does your family do?

The Overwhelmed Mother

The overwhelmed mother. 
We have all seen her, and as much as we hate to admit it, if you are a mother, there are moments you have been the overwhelmed mother. As wonderful and fulfilling it is…it is also exhausting at times. 
I am not sure how or where it started, but it seems to be acceptable now for women to bash each other. 
The working mom bashes the stay at home mom. 
The stay at home mom bashes the working mom. 
Public school vs Private school vs Homeschooled 
The list goes on and on. Why? Let us vow as followers of Christ to stop this nonsense. Instead, let us look at why a mother is overwhelmed and find solutions to ease her burdens.
· Offer to help with household chores 
· Tutor her children in difficult subjects 
· Give her a few hours to herself 
· Cook a meal 
· Do her mending 
There are other situations that are outside of the normal that overwhelm mothers, so let us please not forget the homeless mother or the mother of a terminally ill child. 
The average age of a homeless person is 8. We tend to think of the homeless as the old man who wasted his life drinking. The reality is that the homeless population is primarily mothers with children. 
Do you keep Blessing Bags in your car? Does your church have a homeless ministry? Does your community have a safe place for families to rest at night in safety? Do you pray for that mother that has the same hopes and desires for her children that you have? 
The mother of a terminally ill child (no matter the age) ….oh how my heart breaks for her. 
How can we bless her? 
First, by covering her and her family in prayer. That is always the most important thing we can do. 
Then, what are her practical needs? Are they able to be near their home? Do they need meals? Are there other children in the home that need attention? Are they struggling financially? What is she doing those long hours at a bedside? Can you teach her to knit or crochet? Many people find that such activities not only help with the emotional toil, but it offers them a way to give back by making items for other patients. 
Lastly…let her talk. Don’t judge the feelings that she is having. Let her unburden her heart about her fears, her frustration, and her lost dreams. Be there for her. There may be times that you want to cover your ears and run from the room, but be there. Love her lavishly. Remind her that God is in control and loves her more that imaginable. 
What are your thoughts? 
How have you been a blessing to the overwhelmed mother?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

When I was three years old, my mother taught me this verse.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton son, that whosoever, believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

If you know me...really know know that verse was a mixed bag for me. My biological father was a cruel man. It did not seem strange at all to me that a father would sacrifice his son.

Mine would have in a heartbeat.

But, my mother did not stop with that favorite of all verses in John. She turned to Romans and taught me that I had sinned. She taught me what the consequences were of those sins. She explained that even though my father was hateful, mean, and wicked...this Father in heaven was loving, kind, and perfect. That He loved me with an everlasting love. And that love for ME provided a way that I could be with Him forever.

Because of this teaching...

Fifty years ago today,

on Mother's Day,

at Delany Street Baptist Church in Orlando, Florida...

this timid 10 year old girl...

sitting in the middle of the church with her Sunday school class....

Stood up...and ran to THE FATHER.

Happy Mother's Day Mom.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Expectant Mother

Part two of our eight part series is the Expectant Mother.
Oh what a joyous time in a woman’s life. 
A new child is coming into her life. Someone who needs and wants her tender care and devotion for a lifetime.
The Expectant Mother can take on different forms and each has their own set of challenges and opportunity for ministry.
The first is the Single Expectant Mother. She is alone on this journey to parenthood. She may or may not have the support of family members. She may be afraid, and struggling financially. She may have people in her life encouraging her to end this precious life within her. 
As Christians, we are pro-life and support the birth mother to carry the child to term, but we should not end our efforts there. I recently heard of a ministry that does an amazing job supporting the mother through the whole pregnancy and birth experience. I would encourage you to explore Embrace Grace and make it a part of your church ministry.
The second Expectant Mother may be in a secure relationship...but she may have concerns about her health or the health of her child. She may have questions about the birth experience or be worried about those first few months of motherhood. Make yourself available. Answer questions, offer advice. Let her know that God will be her helper and that He has chosen her out of all the women in the world to mother this particular child.
The third mother is the Adoptive Expectant Mother. Her longing for a child is being satisfied. Her heart is full of grateful appreciation, but is also fearful that it will not happen. She has faced many disappointments and is cautious about being too excited for fear of her heart being broken. Let us wrap our arms around the mother and support her. Lift her up before the throne of grace in prayer. If within your means, contribute to the adoption expenses. Be openly joyful and encourage her to open her heart and rejoice during the period of waiting. 
How are you being an encouragement to the Expectant Mother? 
Does your church have a ministry?
Please share your thoughts and ideas so that we may all become more effective in our purpose.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Teacher Appreciation

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for the many teachers who love You and serve You in both the christian and public schools. Bless them with strength, courage, and wisdom. Show us how to support them in the work they do shaping and educating our children.


Monday, May 2, 2016

The Longing Mother

Today begins an eight part look at mothers, who they are and how we can minister to them.
The first mother is the Longing Mother.
This is the woman for reasons beyond her control has not know the joy and fulfillment of being a mother.
Most women start planning and anticipating motherhood while they are still little girls. We have our baby dolls that we tenderly wash, dress, and carry with us. Sometimes we dress up kittens and puppies, pretending they are our babies. This nurturing is born in us and we long to lavish it on our own wee one.
For the longing mother....Sometimes....the longing never ceases. I, along with several members of my family, suffered with infertility. 
Mine was rectified, but often it is not. 
Some women never marry. 
Some suffer from miscarriage of that precious child.
How can we minister to these dear longing hearts?
First....understand and be sensitive to the longings of their hearts. 
I can not tell you how hard it was for me on Mothers Day when all the mothers would stand up to be honored in church. Mother’s Day, 1977, I was the ONLY woman not standing in my church choir.
Be sensitive about asking questions like...
Are you two EVER going to start a family?
You know your mother is just dying to be a grandmother!
When are you going to have a are not getting any younger!
I suffered a miscarriage between my first and second daughter. Please understand that the child I lost is just as real to me as the ones I held. I may have smiled and nodded in agreement when I was told that “God knew best...maybe something was wrong with the baby...God will give you another child” ...But let me tell you. Those words cut me like a knife. There was no balm or comfort even though I know the ones saying it to me wanted no more than my comfort.
Offer words of love and consolation. Let the parents know that you are aware of their loss and that their child was precious and real. It is okay to say you are sorry.
Allow them to talk about their loss. Love them and let the love of God be manifested through you to comfort them.
Lastly, pray for direction from the Holy Spirit. 
Don’t assume that because a woman does not have children that she will want to work in the nursery. That may be too painful. may also be just the thing that she needs to soothe her longings.
Pray attentive to....and most of the Longing Mother.